10 things you didn’t know about Formula 1 drivers…

Part 1- By Joe Murphy

There are always these facts that surprise you so much when you find out, you hardly believe them to be true. Well, let’s take a look across the grid and try to surprise you.

#1 Estaban Ocon is Spanish!

Well, “part” Spanish. The Alpine driver revealed recently that his hometown is in fact Malaga and has family still living there to this day. One of his middle names is even Jose! Although he still races under the French flag after being born in Normandy.

#2 Lewis Hamilton has a hit record in the charts!

Hamilton appeared under the stage name of ‘XNDA’ on the track “Pipe” from Christina Aguilera’s 2018 record Liberation. Unbelievably, he actually raps an entire verse on the track, which he wrote and recorded in under 2 hours.

#3 Lando Norris wears glasses

Yep, he doesn’t like wearing them in public so you’d be forgiven for not knowing this fact, but Lando Norris does indeed wear glasses most of the time, just not behind the wheel of his car!

#4 There’s a Fernando Alonso Museum

The Museo y Circuito Fernando Alonso was opened eight years ago and contains hundreds of artifacts from the Spaniard’S racing career. There are cars, helmets and trophies, as well as a karting circuit he designed himself.

#5 Sergio Perez almost became a Businessman!

Before becoming a driver in motorsport, Checo had ambitions outside of racing in more executive spaces such as law and finance. The first thing he does every day without fail is check the stock market and the status or his investments. He came close to being a Lawyer and a Banker too and it’s something he really wanted to do.

Published by Wheel2Wheelreports

Just an F1, Football and Cricket enthusiast writing about sports I am passionate about. I have a degree in Geography and Spanish and am a qualified, experienced teacher with a passion to write. Maybe, a future in journalism, awaits. Also responsible for Post2Post Reports for all football writing content.

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